If you would like to have your music streamed through the website. Email me and I will go over everything with you and answer any questions you have. At the moment I can't offer any payment for streaming your music. I'm not getting paid from it either. What I can offer is a place for your music to be heard and cross promotion where fans of other bands can discover your music.
Links and Selling your Merch on the Website.
All artist who's music is streamed can have a link set up to whatever site they want. As far as merch goes there's a couple different things that can be done if you're interested in more than just having your music streamed. I can even make an online store for you and offer designs. I would take a small percentage if it went that route.
I don't want to make money off of your work and your talent. This is about community and keeping shit non commercialized .
- Chuck